
Showing posts from August, 2018

How to Pay Business Tax (2551Q) for Home-based Tutors

Are you a home-based ESL tutor duly registered in BIR? The ESL School should also be registered for this to be applicable to you. In this page I will share with you what I did to settle my quarterly obligations with percentage tax without any accountants to do it for me. But of course for less hassle, you may commission someone such as an accountant to do it for you. First of all what is PERCENTAGE TAX? Percentage tax is a business tax imposed on persons, entities, or transactions specified under Sections 116 to 127 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (also known as Tax Code), as amended, and as required under special laws. First and foremost you must register with BIR as a home-based ESL Tutor to be able to do this. You must have claimed your Certificate of Registration that looks like this: Bear in mind that  you need to settle your percentage tax on or before the 25th of the month after the applicable quarter. For example, if you are paying