
Showing posts from July, 2018

How to build a solid financial foundation?

I've been attending classes at school for over ten years, yet I haven't encountered that I was being taught how to save the right way the money that we will earn by the time we'll start our life outside school, the working stage. Since I was a kid, my parents trained me to really spare some of my school allowance. I learned to budget as young as seven years old since I lived away from them and that they'll just have to give my allowance good for 15 days. I have to budget that so it will last for the next 15 days. That was my training ground of saving. When I reached the college years, I learned even more how to value money since I have to work for it. I was in my third year when I started a part time job to help my parents in financing my studies. I worked in the morning and attended classes in the afternoon until nine in the evening. It was a little hard but I have to survive since I badly want to finish my degree. I learned how to budget not just the money