
How to Pay Business Tax (2551Q) for Home-based Tutors

Are you a home-based ESL tutor duly registered in BIR? The ESL School should also be registered for this to be applicable to you. In this page I will share with you what I did to settle my quarterly obligations with percentage tax without any accountants to do it for me. But of course for less hassle, you may commission someone such as an accountant to do it for you. First of all what is PERCENTAGE TAX? Percentage tax is a business tax imposed on persons, entities, or transactions specified under Sections 116 to 127 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (also known as Tax Code), as amended, and as required under special laws. First and foremost you must register with BIR as a home-based ESL Tutor to be able to do this. You must have claimed your Certificate of Registration that looks like this: Bear in mind that  you need to settle your percentage tax on or before the 25th of the month after the applicable quarter. For example, if you are paying

How to build a solid financial foundation?

I've been attending classes at school for over ten years, yet I haven't encountered that I was being taught how to save the right way the money that we will earn by the time we'll start our life outside school, the working stage. Since I was a kid, my parents trained me to really spare some of my school allowance. I learned to budget as young as seven years old since I lived away from them and that they'll just have to give my allowance good for 15 days. I have to budget that so it will last for the next 15 days. That was my training ground of saving. When I reached the college years, I learned even more how to value money since I have to work for it. I was in my third year when I started a part time job to help my parents in financing my studies. I worked in the morning and attended classes in the afternoon until nine in the evening. It was a little hard but I have to survive since I badly want to finish my degree. I learned how to budget not just the money

Work from Home

         Ten years ago, I thought working online isn’t the most practical way of living life. It’s gonna bore you, will deprive you of meeting new people and isolate you from all others. I had my first ever online job 9 years ago. I was introduced by my cousin in law into this world of online teaching. I never thought of becoming a teacher at all, especially teaching English online to foreign students. English isn’t just my thing. But then because I needed some extra income to finance my study, I have to do it. So I must do what they required me to do. These are the things I needed to do before I successfully got in to this online world of working. 1) Resume – Like any other jobs, of course the interviewer must know something about you before they’ll get in touch with you personally. I was on my 3rd year in college at that time, so I don’t really have an experience professionally in this field. Moreover, this isn’t my field of expertise because I’m studying Accounting then. Bu